Black & White

The Art of Posing.

Most people believe that a model’s only job is to appear cute and look at the camera while taking pictures. Honestly, this conception is far from the actual truth. To be successful, a model has to possess an outstanding ability to pose and give the photographer “that one shot” out of hundreds of shots. Model poses are an art form that is acquired through years of practicing and dedication.

The posing skills often depend on the model and resulting from several years of experience and hard work. In fashion, the essential feature is correct posing and how to create an image that will conquer everyone with the help of aesthetically correct poses. Before looking into what model poses you can benefit from, we must have in mind that there are various types of model photography. The photography approach and posing vary considerably in these different genres.

• High Fashion Photography entails artistic, creative, and prominent photography. Poses take account of an elongated neck, intense eyes, and a confident posture.

• Commercial Photography has a more traditional and minimal approach. Poses are simpler and more natural, such as a hand on the hip or a slight bend of the knee. The model must possess a marketable image since his/her job is to promote and sell for a clothing brand.

• Fitness Photography is about showing the model’s athleticism and strength. Fitness models are either lifting weights, bodybuilding, or doing a shoot using exercise equipment.

styled, directed & shot by Santi Babaran

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